SCAPS – Self-Contained Air Processing System for Cask Recoating Project
HEPA-Filtered Conditioned Air System for Cask Recoating Project
Customer: Exelon Corporation
Site: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station
SCAPS – Self-Contained Air Processing System for Cavity Ventilation
12,000 CFM Cavity-Ventilation System
Customer: Duke Energy
Site: Brunswick Nuclear Plant
VC-2000 HEPA Ventilation & Cooling Unit
2000 CFM HEPA Ventilation & Cooling Unit
Customer: AZZ Incorporated
Self-Cleaning Vent Unit for Plant Decommissioning
Ventilation Unit for Plant Decommissioning
Customer: ZionSolutions
Site: Zion Nuclear Power Station
Refueling Water Storage Tank Re-coat Project
Refueling Water Storage Tank Re-coat Project
Customer: Florida Power & Light
Site: Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station
Critical-path Torus Re-coat Project
Critical-path Torus Re-coating Project
Customer: NextEra Energy Resources
Site: Duane Arnold Energy Center
Ventilation System for Torus Blasting and Re-coating Project
Torus Blasting and Re-coating Project
Customer: Exelon Corporation
Site: Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station
Solvent and Powder Dispensing Station
Solvent and Powder Dispensing Station
Customer: Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Negative Pressure Component-Servicing Gloved Enclosure
Negative Pressure Component-Servicing Gloved Enclosure
Customer: Duke Energy
Site: Oconee Nuclear Station, SC
Alternate Decay Heat Removal Heat Exchanger Shielding System
Alternate Decay Heat Removal Heat Exchanger Shielding System