“Classic” Perma-Con®

What is Perma-Con®?


  • MODULAR CONSTRUCTION: Panels are ready to use and assemble quickly using fasteners 
  • QUICK ERECTION: Fast to set up on Owner-furnished concrete pad; no welding required
  • WASHABLE: Stainless steel interior surfaces allow for easy removal of contaminants
  • STRENGTH: Designs are available that will meet the International Building Code (IBC) and site-specific seismic qualification criteria
    • INSIDE USE: Perma-Con® is not suitable for outside conditions
    • INSULATION: Not a standard option, after-market insulation options are available

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Perma-Con® is versatile. 

Perma-Con® includes standard customizing options that include airlocks, windows, fire suppression systems, service ports, doors, custom adapter panels, and AV camera systems for remote monitoring and exposure reduction.

Additional Description

Perma-Con® Pre-engineered kits. 

Perma-Con® includes standard customizing options that include airlocks, windows, fire suppression systems, service ports, doors, custom adapter panels, and AV camera systems for remote monitoring and exposure reduction.

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