Alternate Decay Heat Removal Heat Exchanger

Alternate Decay Heat Removal Heat Exchanger Shielding System

Alternate Decay Heat Removal Heat Exchanger Alternate Decay Heat Removal Heat Exchanger

Project Scope:
  • Significantly reduce person-rem exposure.
  • Greatly simplify future heat exchanger (HX) replacement and maintenance.
  • Reduce routine personnel exposure along a high traffic access route, and exposure during future HX change out.
  • Shield assembly serves as locked high radiation area barrier.
  • Can be moved as a pre-assembled unit into final location.
  • Contains leaks and provides means of drainage.
  • As an exposure-saving measure, HX mounts are unfastened with minimal effort, from a distance, and without significant shielding disassembly.
  • Carbon steel plate is used for cost-effective fabrication and increased strength.
  • Sliding split shield is used to cover the access ports for pipe connections and to accommodate alignment.