Refueling Water Storage Tank Re-coat Project

Project Scope:
  • Increase worker safety: Develop an air treatment system (including air conditioning) to reduce the level of personnel heat stress.
  • In addition to the tank entry hazards, the system had to control temperature and humidity as well as contain high levels of alpha loose-surface contamination.
  • Primary design objectives had to support hydro lasing, grit blasting, cleanup, and re-coating.
  • Containment of process-generated contaminants: The HEPA system had to provide sufficient flow to maintain capture velocity for containment of radiological contaminants at the tank entry/egress points.
  • Humidity Controls: Dehumidification was required to prevent surface oxidation (flash rust) during the coating-removal process.
  • RPS designed and manufactured a 6,000 cfm HEPA ventilation skid that was integrated with a 35 ton air conditioning system and compatible dehumidification unit with interconnecting ducting, dampers, and fittings.
  • This RPS-designed system performed at or above the design parameters in every respect and led to the successful completion of the RWST re-coating project.
  • Alpha contamination was controlled and there were no contamination releases or personnel-contamination events.