Laboratory Sample Waste

Laboratory Sample Waste Perma-Con® and Hood System

Project Scope:
  • Laboratory sample waste to be exhumed and characterized as radioactive waste, hazardous waste, mixed waste.
  • Task required a relocatable modular containment facility, waste sorting equipment, and HEPA filtration equipment.

RPS provides turn-key solution:

  • Capture velocity hood workstation:
    • Design and manufacture a modular capture velocity hooded workstation incorporating radiological instrumentation for isotopic analysis.
    • Dual line design allows processing at two separate sites or by classification.
    • Workstation facilitates opening, inspecting, counting, and repackaging waste samples within a controlled environment.
  • Relocatable modular panel containment facility:
    • Design and manufacture Perma-Con® facility for waste characterization. Kits allow reconfiguration into smaller, larger or multiple facilities to accommodate dual siting of process equipment.
  • Portable HEPA filtration equipment:
    • Design and manufacture portable air filtration equipment to support both the capture velocity workstations and the modular panel containment facility.